Author: Dan Barrett

What is it?   Shockwave (full name, extra-corporeal shockwave therapy) is a treatment that sends soundwaves through an injured tissue.  It is a more recent development in rehab that helps address longstanding and challenging tendon problems. These problems sometimes do not respond to exercises along. These soundwaves stimulate...

Well, this period of enforced restricted movements is frustrating but clearly very necessary.  We have to keep reminding ourselves that in hospitals all around the country there are many seriously unwell people and amazing NHS staff working tirelessly to help them. The bit of freedom we...

Sir Andy Murray’s ongoing hip injury woes have really put this joint in the spotlight! The hip was once regarding as a joint that doesn’t really get injured but just wears out as we get older.  Thinking back 20 years to when I started training at...

Back pain is something that most of us will experience at some point. It can range from being mildly uncomfortable to debilitating and last from just a day or so to many months or even years. In the UK it costs the economy billions of...

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